

Sex and the City Closet Dress up Scene

Technical codes-
  • Close up pan - shows all of the characters facial expression which shows their opinions. This helps the story line as you find out which outfit they like the best.
  • Tilt - The purpose of this is to show off her outfit and her expression towards it. This is effective as we get to find out her opinion as well as her friends.
  • Long shot- The purpose of the long shot is to show all the characters and  their location so you get a feel as to what they behave like in certain place.
  • Extreme close up - The extreme close up just shows one of the characters faces which can indicate how they feel about the situation they are in.
  • Close up- As the door opens the camera is set in a close up which  effect that something or someone important is about to come out and this builds suspense 

Visual Codes-

  • Clothing/costume - There are many outfit changes throughout this scene and each outfit gives off a different mood. The purpose of this is to decide which outfit fits the character's personality.

  • Expression - Throughout the scene there are many expressions shown. I feel as though the purpose of the scene is to see the characters opinions through these expressions.

  • Technique - The use of bright colours suggests excitement and happiness. This is the overall view of the scene as it is a couple of girls having fun together.
  • Iconography - The background of the scene is a messy New York apartment which helps portray the true style of most New York apartments as they are known for being extremely small.
  • Gesture - The gestures in this scene gives off the opinion of the characters. Thumbs down or a shake of the head suggests something negative about the outfit and gives us their opinion without the use of words. 

Audio codes-

  • Music - At the beginning of the scene you can see one of the characters put on a record. This music is then used throughout the whole scene as it is upbeat and from the 80's. The purpose of this kind of music being used is to make the audience laugh and dance.
  • Narrator - The infamous narration of Carrie Bradshaw can be heard at the beginning of the scene and it is describing what is about to happen in the scene. This narration is very famous and well known which will help the audience interact and be familiar with the scene.
  • Dialogue - Although dialogue is not used much in this scene, it does help throughout to portray laughter and a few opinions of the characters. The purpose of this is so we can feel as if we are there having fun with the characters.
