scene soundtrack analysis

In the scene from now you see me two, dylan is fighting against many chinese men who are after the microchip he has. Lots of tables and windows are broken whilst dylan gets away. Although the scene i chose was very short, there were many different sound effects included in it to make it an adrenaline packed action scene.

The music in this scene increases dramatically as the first punch is thrown. After several punches this fight is over and then the music continues to build up an intense atmosphere just before the next fight is carried out.  This helps build the adrenaline of the audience and get them ready for the upcoming fight. As the fight comes to an end the music fades off and the bunny appears from under the blanket. This gives it a comical feel as the stop of the music helps you focus on what is on the screen.

The ambient sound is loud and intense to help the audience feel the adrenaline of the fight. Lots of punching sound effects are added in to help the sound come of louder than others and stand out. Crowd noises are also added in as the background noise is important to making the scene more realistic and less put together and fake.

In the dialogue, low pitch is used to make the characters sound threatening before the fight.  This helps the audience see who the people fighting are going to be. When the fight begins dialogue becomes very fast paced to match the action going on the screen and give the audience adrenaline.

The sound effects used in this scene are punching and fighting noises. These are hyper real as they are exaggerated to show the intensity of the fight happening and brings adrenaline to the audience.
