Review of the studio workshop (children in need)

Review of the studio workshop (children in need)

The studio workshop didn’t go as planned because we had lot’s of problems. These problems wasted our time and it took us the whole day to actually finish the production. However we did manage to finish the production, which was a good thing. The problems that happened were mainly in the control room, as we had never done anything like this before so we didn’t know how to work the equipment. We also had technical issues as nothing was saving or working in the control room. The end production did run smoothly and we didn’t have any mistakes in the final video. However there was a lot of waiting and standing around which didn’t help create the production faster.

When creating an interview you need to make sure the person you are interviewing is comfortable by using eye contact and keeping your note reading to a minimum.  Also making sure the person you are interviewing doesn't look straight into the camera as they are not dressing the audience they are talking to you.

Another rule you need to stick by is the 180 degree rule as you don't want to confuse your audience by placing the camera in a completely opposite direction. This will look as if everything is the wrong way round when it comes to editing.

Be sure to not talk over the person you are interviewing as the audio an become broken and you could end up getting a much better answer if you let them finish speaking.

Lapel mic is a microphone you clip straight onto a person. You need to make sure that there is a gap above the person you are interviewing's head as you want to know they have got nothing on their head. Also a shot showing their shoulders up would be the best for an interview.
