Soundtrack Report

Film clip -
TV clip -

'The sound and music are 50% of the entertainment in a movie' - George Lucas. Many people overlook sound and take it for granted, However sound is incredibly important in setting the mood of the movie or show. It can also help tell the storyline that the visuals can't show. 
   The clip I have chosen is a scene from riverdale where betty is burning all the black hood's evidence whilst jughead is narrating over the top about what's happened.

This clip includes creepy music in the background to add to the scary atmosphere. The music begins to talk towards the end which makes it even more creepy. The volume of this music is quite low so you can hear the narrator over it and also concentrate on what is happening in the scene. This gives it a creepy, quiet type atmosphere so you have to listen carefully to ensure you can here everything. The pitch of the music is low and the voice on the track has a very deep voice which contrasts to the character in the scene betty who is usually perfect and very girly. The music is empathetic as it matches the mood of the scene because it is creepy. Also it is scary and dark which is how the scene is set out. The music is also typical of this genre and does not contrast it in anyway. It compliments the visuals and adds a background noise for the narration and scene that is happening. I feel as though the text is conventional because the creepy music doesn't contrast with the scene and dialogue. This is because they are all creepy and scary.

The character Jughead narrates over the clip describing what has gone on and what betty is doing in the clip.Jughead is different in his narration to his actual character in the show because when he is narrating he makes sure to add to the creepy vibe and doesn't talk loud or fast like in the show. In the show he writes for a newspaper so his narration over the clip is him saying his newspaper article. Also he always leaves you with a cliffhanger which is a common connotation of american action or thriller series. This makes it even more similar to usual action and mystery shows. The actual character in the scene doesn't have any dialogue as Jughead is narrating everything you need to know about what she's doing. The narration is ADR as it is clear that Jughead is not outside or in a classroom whilst recording the narration. He is in the studio with his script. This means the dialogue does not need editing to blend in. I feel as though the text is conventional because his tone of voice matches with the creepy vibe that the scene is portraying.

The clip I have chosen from pulp fiction is the scene where vincent arrives at mia's house and she is on the intercom watching him.

The clip includes the song a son of a preacher and is iconic because you believe up until the end of the scene that it this song is just background music and only there for the audience (non-diegetic audio). However near the end of the scene we see the record stop and the song stops which shows us that the characters in the film also heard the song during filming (diegetic audio). This is the only music in the scene and helps us visualise what the actors can hear. Because the music is non-diegetic this shows us that the character in the film likes soul music and has a particular music taste. Also it establishes a happy mood for the audience which can contradict the scene as Mia seems quite creepy watching Vincent. I think the music in unconventional because it contradicts the scene and is iconic because it is so obvious and not in the background. Also the movie is quite scary and violent which contradicts with the music even more.

The dialogue in the scene is edited cleverly to sound as if mia's voice is coming through the intercom. However when we are in the same room as her she sounds normal. This is cleverly edited so that us as an audience believe 100% that everything in the movie is real (continuity editing with sound effects). This is conventional as it helps fit with the scene and ensures the audience forget that it is a film and think it's real.

The music and sound effects used in these clips can be used in my film production as they match the genre and the mood of my film. The creepiness and scariness of Riverdale matches my film production because we are making a crime thriller which is very similar to Riverdale. My film production matches with pulp fiction because they are both thrillers and quite scary but not in an action way. I intend to use creepy sound effects and music like Riverdale and use the dialogue edits and the realness of pulp fiction where it doesn't feel like you are watching a movie. We might use diegetic music which is what was used in pulp fiction. This will enhance the mood and the also enhance the characters of my film.
