Week 2 Evaluation of the carousel

  1. Document what you did in the session on Tuesday and Wednesday (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC)




  1. List under the following 
  • Research that you carry out in these sessions
    The research we did throughout these two days consisted of primary and secondary. The primary research we did was experimenting with the colours ourselves and trying out which colours we wanted in our final piece. The secondary research we did included the tutor teaching us how to process each piece for example; the tutor taught us how to use the sewing machine.  These were the primary and secondary research methods we carried out on our carousel.
      • Skills that you have tried, 
      The skills that we tried during these two days were based around creating a final piece. First we patch tested disperse dyes onto fabric. This is a skill as it helps us decide what colour we want to use. Another skill we tried was hand stitching. This helped us sew our design on and not rely on a sewing machine. However we did also try the skill of the sewing machine.
      • Any processes 
      The processes we did throughout the two days include appliqué. This used bondaweb and helped us embrodie our work so far. Another process we used was heat press which helped us to paint and colour our work. We also used the process of hand stitching and also the sewing machine.
        • methods you used.
        Methods we used during the heat press was first we did some patch tests of the disperse dyes. Next we designed our crew logo and coloured it in with paint. We waited for them to dry and then printed it. For the Applique we first drew up our design on tracing paper, then we copied it onto bonder web and stuck them onto our work. We then cut it out and put an iron over it. Finally we used the sewing machine. Another method we used was to hand stitch lines or shapes on our final design. 
        • Any tools that you used.
        The tools we used included a sewing machine, bonder web, tracing paper, heat press, needle, yarn, embroidery hoops, disperse dyes, paint brush. 
