Feedback review on Foley's sound on Psycho shower scene

Today I screened my production to the rest of the class and were given comments on what went well and how it could be better.

Overall I think the audio production went well for the first time that we have done anything like this. I found it quite easy to sync up all the sounds but it was hard to turn the volume of certain sounds down when trying to layer audio files. I think that our sounds were realistic and synced up however I think the shower audio could have been improved as we had problems turning the volume of it down.

The sounds that worked the best were the background music, shower curtain effect and the scream. This is because they all synced up perfectly and added suspense and atmosphere. The sounds that didn't work that well were the shower noises and the stabbing noise. This is because you could barely hear the stabbing noises and the shower noises stopped. In the future I will make sure to know more about the editor and change the volume of sounds appropriately.

The editing process was long and confusing as I had never used this certain editor. The only challenge that we faced was the volume of different sounds. Although it was very challenge i'm proud of how in sync our sounds were. The volume balance was something we needed to work on. Also we didn't really add any effects so in the future that could be something we look into.


  • Sounds in sync
  • Good scream sound effect
  • Good shower noises

  • shower noises go on throughout the whole scene
  • more sound effects needed
  • shower sounds need to be quieter 
