Week 3 evaluation of the Carousel

  1. Document what you did in the session on Wednesday (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC)

    1.Write up your experience of the following...
    Making the TV advert included lots of team effort. First we had to come up with a plot and decide which plot was the best. Next we had to choose which role we wanted in the making of the TV advert, I chose the camera operator.  After this we set up the set and many roles were needed in this process. We did a few run through as of the advert and finally we filmed it a couple of times until we were happy with it. I think it went well and helped me see how many roles you actually need to film anything in a studio. It also taught me about the camera I was using and how i could use it to make the advert look better.

        2.Research that you carry out in these sessions
        The research I carried out during the media carousel included coming up with a few ideas, deciding whose pitch was the best, deciding what role I wanted to do on set, learning how to use the equipment I was assigned. The secondary research I used in these sessions were the tutors teaching me how to use the equipment and going through the health and safety. Also the secondary research we used was the tutor teaching us about different types of editing. This included: continuity editing, soviet montage editing and classic montage editing.

        3.Skills that you have tried
        The skills I used during this carousel were mainly on camera work as that was the job that I had chosen to do on set. Other skills used on set included prop making, acting, directing, lighting, live editing, sound creating, script making and many others. These skills will help me in the future as I will be able to try as many roles as I want throughout this media course. Also they can help me see which role I would like to peruse in the future.

        4. The processes and methods you used (Photography wet process, Screen Printing, Photoshop layering etc) 
        The processes we used during filming included pitching an idea and deciding which one was the best. Next we decided our roles and then started working on the script and the set. Finally we filmed it a couple of times. The tutors taught us the methods on how to work the equipment and live edit our TV advert. Another process we used was learning out the different types of editing.

        5.The tools that you used (Paint, Material, Software, etc)
        The tools used in this media carousel included cameras, lights, props, live editor, sound machine. These tools will help me throughout the course as i will get to create my projects with them. Also the tools we used in learning about editing included adobe editor and clips filmed by other students.
