Website review

My website has many plain colours involved because we wanted to pinpoint certain aspects of it with a bright colour. This can draw the most attention to the important parts. 

The layout and simple and easy to read. It is not crowded with useless stuff it shows the most important information. Also you can see the background picture which is the main focus of he website. However we may be changing the background image to something we have taken ourselves as it would relate to our film much more. It gives the audience an idea of what kind of movie it is and what it is about without giving too much away. 

On my website there is the main page, the gallery, videos and the synopsis (about the movie.) On the main page it is simple and just shows our names and the title as well as the date the film is coming out. In the gallery will be lots of behind the scene pictures to show the making of the movie. In the video section we will have bloopers and behind the scenes footage which will also be on our social media accounts. Also included here will be the link to our actual film which we are going to be uploading onto youtube once it is finished. A trailer for our film is already up on our youtube account and there is a link on our website.
