Todorov theory

    My film relates to Tzvetan Todorov Narrative Structure because at the beginning of the film, the equilibrium is the main character Ben being in custody. He is in custody for most of the film which is why this is the equilibrium. The disruption starts when the first option appears and you have to choose if he should try and break out or confess. This is the disruption because you are now changing the main character from neutral to a different emotion.  The recognition of disruption comes when a flashback finishes and you now have more of an insight into the character's lives. This is the recognition of disruption because you can see what would help the main character and what he is actually like. After this is the Attempt to Repair Disruption which happens when you choose the next option but preferably when you choose to confess. This is the attempt to Repair Disruption because you have noticed which is the right thing to choose and how to help the main character. When the new equilibrium comes the main character is either free or locked up. Whatever the conclusion he still goes back to a 'normal' life. However it was different from the beginning and that is why it is the new equilibrium. 

     Compares to the theory well but could have a brief explanation of the theory before comparing. 

    Tzvetan Todorov said that all stories had 5 distinct parts: Equilibrium, Disruption, Recognition of Disruption, Attempt to Repair Disruption, New equilibrium. My film relates to Tzvetan Todorov Narrative Structure because at the beginning of the film, the equilibrium is the main character Ben being in custody. He is in custody for most of the film which is why this is the equilibrium. The disruption starts when the first option appears and you have to choose if he should try and break out or confess. This is the disruption because you are now changing the main character from neutral to a different emotion.  The recognition of disruption comes when a flashback finishes and you now have more of an insight into the character's lives. This is the recognition of disruption because you can see what would help the main character and what he is actually like. After this is the Attempt to Repair Disruption which happens when you choose the next option but preferably when you choose to confess. This is the attempt to Repair Disruption because you have noticed which is the right thing to choose and how to help the main character. When the new equilibrium comes the main character is either free or locked up. Whatever the conclusion he still goes back to a 'normal' life. However it was different from the beginning and that is why it is the new equilibrium. 
